Bishop Samuel R. Johnson, Sr.
& Elder Wanda L. Johnson

Samuel R. Johnson, Jr.
& Jason D. Johnson


Latest Project


Royalton Records
4882 Germantown Pike, Dayton, OH 45417
937-263-5289 Phone 937-263-5415 Fax
Bishop Samuel R. Johnson, Sr., CEO
Elder Wanda L. Johnson, Vice-President
Samuel R. Johnson, Jr., Vice-President
Jason D. Johnson, A & R Executive
Jason Jones, A & R Executive

After thirty years of being patient and following God’s lead, Bishop Samuel R. Johnson, Sr., will finally fulfill one of his life-long dreams with the release of Kingdom Keepers on Royalton Records in conjunction with N Season Records and Universal Music Christian Group this past February 2011. No stranger to the music business—a songwriter for 35 years—Bishop Johnson started as a teen writing hit songs for various R&B groups, and eventually becoming one of the lead singers in a group called The Determinations, all the while singing in the church choir.

Kingdom Keepers—for the young, old, saved and unsaved—according to Bishop, is to capture God's lyrical instructions and convey God's anointing. Leading with the first single, The Power of God, a cool and confident creative slant that perfectly fits Bishop Johnson’s R&B/gospel background, the album includes 10 favorites including Trust In Him, Through The Storm, Lord I Love You, How You Gon' Praise, Pray, I, Something’s In The Air, I Want To Be Loved and Jesus I love You.

“It’s for everyone who has an ear to hear,” says Bishop. “ And my hope is that for anyone listening to feel God's power and God's presence.”

His tenacity and faith in God is why he excels in every endeavor. He is the pastor and founder of Living Water World Ministries in Dayton, Ohio and is the spiritual father of 27 churches of Alpha Omega Bethel Churches of India. In addition to the churches, there is an orphanage, widow's home, a home for the blind, and a lepers' home, also in India.

A down-to-earth family man—two sons and a lovely wife—who loves riding horses, watching movies, and cooking his signature fried chicken and chili dishes, is driven by the joy of the Lord and inspired by the Holy Spirit. And it’s the balance of home life, church life and everyday living for the Lord that exudes in this well-rounded project.